Oasis® 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer

Oasis® 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer is a concentrated, no rinse quat sanitizer that is effective across a dilution range of 0.26 - 0.68 oz per gallon of water. It provides a wider sanitization range with maximum convenience. It's an easy spray and wipe, mop bucket or third sink sanitizer application with no rinsing required.

  • Ecolab PIC: 6100536
  • GTIN Number: 00025469177087
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

No rinse procedure simplifies sanitization

Quick, convenient application

Color-coded so customers know they have the right product for the right application

Economical foodservice sanitizing


Sanitize hard, non-porous food contact surfaces such as tables, counters, and food processing equipment.

Deodorize garbage storage areas, garbage bins, toilet bowls and any other hard nonporous surfaces in odor causing areas.

Effective Against/On:

Oasis 146 is an effective sanitizer against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus on food contact surfaces when used at 0.26-0.68 oz per 1 gallon of 400 ppm hard water (150 ppm-400 ppm active quat)

Oasis 146 is an effective sanitizer against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureas, Campylobactor jejuni, Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella choleraesuis, Shigella sonnei, Yersinia enterocolitica and Enterobacter sakazakii on food contact surfaces when used at 0.35 oz- 0.68 oz per gallon of 500 ppm hard water (200 ppm to 400 ppm active quat).

At 1.0 oz. per 1 gallon of water, this product is an effective general disinfectant that can be used to disinfect floors, walls, woodwork, sink tops, garbage pails, telephones, restrooms, bathroom fixtures and other hard non-porous surfaces


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