FaciliPro™ Concentrated Antibacterial Foam Hand Soap

Concentrated FDA-regulated foaming antibacterial soap with a benzalkonium chloride active and a light citrus scent.

  • Ecolab PIC: 6100872
  • GTIN Number: 10025469020380
Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits:

Triclosan Free

Light citrus scent

Mild antibacterial foam

Uses Nexa dispenser

Kills microorganisms which can cause illness

Contains 0.89% Benzalkonium chloride

Diluted onsite to reduce shipping costs, and packaging waste


Kills bacteria on hands to help reduce food safety risks

For use in back of house and public and employee bathrooms

Requires the use of Nexa Concentrates refill station, Nexa Concentrates Refillable bottles, and Nexa Dispensers


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